Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Template Packages and Legends:

Upon receipt of your approved order your product is sent from our internet servers. Your product is then available via download. If you cannot download your product due to security software or other issues you may request to receive your order via email. Unfortunately with digital products such as our templates and legends, it is impossible to return the product unused,therefore; once we receive your order and your product is available for download we DO NOT give refunds for any reason.

Please note that even though we are not able to provide refunds for our products we will make every effort to correct any issues or concerns you might have after purchasing one of our products.  You can contact us at:

Refund Policy for Filing Services:

7 Days from date of purchase unless we have already begin work on your filing, in which case NO Refund will be available.  Additionally filing service must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase.